How to Minimize Others Touching Your Child's Things
Children take many things with them when heading to school, camp, and other places, and as parents, our typical concern is whether they’ll remember to bring everything back home! But new health concerns have led to new problems, including worries about others handling our children’s items. While we can tell our kids not to hand out their things too much, we can only do so much. However, a few tips and tricks, including the use of kids labels for school, can help minimize the amount of contact our children’s things make with other people even if we aren’t around to play referee.
Using Personalized Name Labels on Children’s Clothing
In addition to their regular clothing, kids may end up bringing plenty of additional pieces with them to school, including coats, gloves, and hats. If they’re headed to camp, they’re likely to be taking several clothing items along with them along with swimsuits, shoes, and any other gear they may need. Many parents already use personalized name labels on their kids’ clothing as a way of making sure it’s easy to identify if it ends up getting lost, which can happen regularly when there are plenty of kids and clothing items around. However, labels can help in other ways as well. If there are multiple kids with the same or similar clothing items, personalized name labels can help them identify at a glance which piece of clothing belongs to which child. This way, Sebastian doesn’t have to worry about picking up Billy’s jacket (or any of Billy’s germs in the process!)
Using School Name Labels on Children’s Supplies
It’s not just your child’s clothing you need to be concerned about, of course. Your child takes plenty of other items to school, from an array of basic school supplies to the backpack they tote them along in. While it may not be possible to mark every pencil and eraser in their possession, using school name labels to mark backpacks, binders, and pencil cases can keep your child’s things from getting lost, prevent issues such as theft, and keep other little ones from getting their hands on your child’s things. You can also find special kinds of kids labels for school designed to mark water bottles or, for older kids, personalized pouches or laptop sleeves.
How Labels Keep Your Kids Safe
When using school name labels, we tend to think about how they can help us keep track of our kids’ items and keep them from getting lost. However, in this post-pandemic world, it’s even more important to consider how personalizing our items helps prevent things from being passed around, especially among little ones who may not be aware of just how much of an issue this can potentially be. It may not cut down on the issue 100 percent, but it can minimize the amount of contact others make with your child’s things, and this at least is a good starting point.
You can buy personalized name labels at Label Daddy today along with a wide array of other personalized items, including laptop sleeves and carry-all pouches your child can use at school, at camp, and beyond!
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