
School Labels
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Kids Labels For School

Personalized Name Labels for School

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Personalized Name Labels for School

Losing a beloved pen, cup, hat, or other object can be devastating for your kids, and it can be costly for you to replace everything they lose. When you’re sending them off to school, you want to make sure that they will always be able to find their supplies, regardless of where they end up leaving it. This is where Label Daddy’s school labels can make all the difference.

Colorful, Durable Kids Labels for School

Our school name labels are the most popular items in our collection, and it is easy to see why. Parents appreciate their waterproofing and ability to withstand high and low temperatures. This allows them to withstand the freezer, washing machine, and even the microwave, without damage or fading. These labels come in a range of shapes and sizes, and their peel-N-stick application allows them to be placed anywhere, including lunchboxes, jackets, and notebooks. Best of all, these labels can be fully customized from a range of colors, fonts, and designs, allowing your kid to create a label that uniquely reflects them.

Get Your Spectacular School Label Stickers Today

Your kids are full of energy and prone to misplacing their stuff. Let Label Daddy save the day with durable, colorful labels for your children. All you need to do to get started is to click on the design that catches your eye in our online store. We are always happy to answer any further questions you may have. All you have to do is fill out our online form.